It’s just great when one of our satisfied funders inspires someone else to come on board with us. This recently happened, and a generous new funder, who had been inspired by Positech’s funding of the little school at Salle in the East Region, contacted us and said “I thought to myself, I could either buy a new car or I could fund a school in Cameroon.” How wonderful is that??
The school that is just about to benefit is the primary school at Meyomesalla in the South region. The government created this school in 2009 with two teachers … but no classrooms! For the past seven years almost 200 children at the school have squeezed into a couple of rooms borrowed from another school, and the community has paid for two additional teachers. This year, the government has given Meyomesalla two classrooms on a new school site, but there is no drinking water on this site and the community is expecting the numbers of children attending to rise to over 400 in the next couple of years – so our 3 new classrooms, new latrine and borehole for clean drinking water will be VERY welcome indeed.