A School for a School!!

by | Jul 24, 2016 | BSFA News

We are thrilled to welcome another company on board!  

SUNESIS is supporting Building Schools for Africa and SHUMAS in our attempt to help as many Cameroonian children as possible to go to school in clean, hygienic, weatherproof classrooms.   They have started a new initiative of funding the construction of a school in Cameroon for every school they construct in the UK!!  The first of these schools is underway now at GS Nketisoh in the NW Region, and the community can hardly believe its good fortune.  When we visited this school in April 2016 the children from three different year groups were just moving their benches and blackboards out of the their shared schoolroom because the walls were in danger of imminent collapse.  Now they are well on their way to having three new classrooms, an office, a new latrine and a school farm!  The project will be ready to hand over to the community in January 2017 – and we are anticipating a BIG celebration.