Another school on its way – thanks to Sunesis

Another school on its way – thanks to Sunesis

by | Feb 8, 2019 | BSFA News

We are delighted to announce that the little bilingual primary school, GBPS Sodiko, will shortly be benefitting from three new classrooms, an office and a new latrine.  The school is currently being held in a borrowed house that has been divided up with plywood sheets to create classrooms.  The Year 1 children have their classroom on the verandah of the house.  There are 225 children (both Anglophones and Francophones) currently enrolled in this school and they have been managing like this since 2014.   It is thought that, once the new classrooms are constructed, the enrolment could go up to as many as 400, because many Anglophone families are moving to the Sodiko area of Douala, to escape the dreadful consequences of the political crisis in the SW Region.

Our grateful thanks go to our friends and supporters at Sunesis, for funding this project through their School for a School initiative.