The children in Jakiri have not been able to attend school for more than four years. Almost all schools in the NW Region have been closed because of the socio-politial crisis that has been escalating since 2016, but the children were desperate to get back to learning. So, following lengthy negotiations with both sides in the war, they were allowed to use an unfinished church hall as their school. The problem was that this building had no roof – and the rainy season lasts for eight months of the year! Fortunately, we were able to help.
Although this is a primary school, over 800 children of all ages up to mid-teens and 11 teachers, have rushed to use the facility. The roof is enormous and the construction was tricky – but it is now complete and children are safe to go to school again, in the dry, all year round. We also funded the provision of 100 school benches to help get things underway. There are still no doors or windows, and this school probably wouldn’t pass OFSTED’s standards – but for the Jakiri children and parents, it is heaven!

One class tucked into the corner of a church hall with no roof

Roof construction underway