Water on its way!

by | Jun 12, 2015 | BSFA News

We are making a concerted effort this year to get clean drinking water to many of the schools we have already helped with new classroom blocks.  The children will no longer have to drink from streams and this will significantly reduce their risk of suffering from water borne diseases such as cholera, malaria and typhoid – it’s all part of helping them get a better education.  Thanks to our supporters, boreholes have recently been dug at six schools in the Extreme North of Cameroon, a region which has suffered so much recently from threat of invasion of Boko Haram, and we hear that these water supplies are almost ready for commissioning.  The new hand pumps are on their way, fences around the boreholes are being constructed to keep out grazing animals, and teams of ‘water caretakers’ are being trained.  More than 1500 children at these extremely remote schools will now enjoy clean drinking water.  

With your continued support, we shall be funding at least three more school water projects this year.