Another successful school opening

The Lycée de Mogon has finally opened its two new classrooms - thanks to our wonderful supporters, the Gompels family.  This is one of four schools in the Extreme North region that are currently having new classrooms constructed.  The school has also benefitted from a...

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Floods in Extreme North hamper progress

The construction of our school projects in the Extreme North region can be slow-going at times!!  There is currently terrible flooding of the all the roads leading to our project at CES Dama in the Mayo Danay Division, so SHUMAS staff who were monitoring the building...

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Fundraising begins for two more schools

Our brilliant supporters at the Portsmouth companies of Market Makers and Lead Forensics are well underway with their fundraising for our charity for this year.  The plan is to build blocks of classrooms at two schools in the NW Region - GS Kungoh (a primary school...

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