Humanitarian Response

Thousands of children like these deserve better learning environments.

Emergency clinic set up in a forest community

Since 2018 there has been large movements of people from the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon because of the fighting. As schools remained closed in the anglophone regions, our first response was to build additional classrooms at francophone schools that were hosting large numbers of Internally Displaced children.

As the war intensified, entire villages were burned out across the two regions, with many Cameroonians killed. Many IDPs fled the violence and set up communities in hard-to-reach forest areas and others moved to shanty towns within other cities in the francophone areas, in order to escape the horrors of war.

Despite the extremely dangerous situation, SHUMAS has been able to access these isolated and destitute communities and ascertain their needs. With our focus still clearly on children being able to access education.

Whilst our focus remained on children being safe and able to access education, we managed to find funding for emergency humanitarian aid for these desperate communities

Emergency resources

In recent years we fund the provision of;

Emergency humanitarian aid supplies and psycho-social counselling;

Access to primary education for IDP children, including pop-up classrooms, learning materials and teachers salaries;

Training and support for the restoration of livelihoods for widows and single mothers displaced by war, to enable them to send their children to school;

Agricultural training and start up materials for adolescents who have had to drop out of school because of the war;

We were also able to provide timely intervention with emergency COVID prevention materials and appropriate awareness training when the pandemic hit these vulnerable communities.

Thousands of children like these deserve better learning environments.

Vitamins provided for children who were malnourished.

Support we have provided

One of the beneficiaries of the 3E programme who can now pay her children's school fees.

One of the beneficiaries of the 3E programme who can now pay her children’s school fees.

Our current focus

Economic Empowerment for Education (3E) programme

This programme helps Internally Displaced widows and single mothers, who are destitute and who have children of school age. The programme provides them with small business training and appropriate start-up materials to provide them with an income which will feed their family and pay their children’s school needs.

The cost is approximately £100 per beneficiary.