How you can help
We are thrilled that, over the years, we have received regular donations from large corporations, UK and US businesses, schools and big-hearted individuals – all of whom like knowing that the money they give will not only be of real benefit children in Cameroon, but will also be well spent and well accounted for.
We regularly receive donations from groups who have organised a really enjoyable fundraising event to benefit our charity – there have been marathons, football matches, cycle rides, parachute jumps, concerts, cake sales, tea parties, non-uniform days, wedding gifts and special birthday events … people have been so generous and so imaginative.
Why not join in and organise an event wherever you live?
You might like to create your own fundraising page through Just Giving. Your supporters will be able to use this page to send money directly, and securely, through to Building Schools for Africa. Or make a donation directly using the Donate button above
Here is a guide to how your donations could benefit schoolchildren in Cameroon.

will equip one child to go to primary school.

will give five school benches – enough to seat 15 pupils.

will build a new school toilet with handwashing facilities.

Education in Emergency – will prepare 15 out-of-school children to get back into school.

will build a classroom at a primary school.

will construct a borehole, giving drinking water to a whole community.

will construct a primary school project of 3 classrooms, office, latrine with handwashing facilities, school garden tools/seeds, monitoring costs etc.