Clean drinking water at Upper Munjong

by | May 27, 2017 | BSFA News

Before we were able to find the funding for this project, the people from the Upper Munjong area in NW region were having to drink water from local streams which were also being used for washing clothes and motorbikes and had household waste dumped in them.  Grazing animals were also drinking water from these streams.  The water catchments in this area had become dilapidated and overgrown with tree roots, so the water was unusable.  Inevitably, this resulted in poor hygiene in the village houses, particularly in the dry season and six out of every ten people who were using the local health centre were presenting with water related diseases.  Poverty was increasing because people were having to pay for treatment and women were spending hours searching out cleaner sources of water.

Thanks to our supporters, Upper Munjong now has two functioning water catchments, a collection chamber and 1.5Km of pipe bringing clean drinking water to the stand tap in the village.

community work Upper Munjong

Young people help to dig the trench for the pipeline to the new tap