Meeting urgent education and protection needs

by | Sep 19, 2024 | BSFA News, Improving Lives News | 0 comments

We will shortly be undertaking a new project, based in the North West and West regions, addressing the needs of many school aged children who are deprived of education because of war and are at risk of exploitation.

Around 2,500 schools remain closed after seven years, leaving more than 300,000 children without access to education.  Although the situation is improving, only 54% of girls and 2% of children with a disability are back in school. The opportunities to access formal education for children who are now adolescents are virtually non-existant.  School closure, insecurity, and attacks on education and in the communities, are triggering continuous population movements, human rights violations, increased vulnerability of girls and boys and their exposure to multiple risks, such as family separation, recruitment by armed groups, and sexual and other gender-based violence.

This project is part of an Education in Emergency strategy.  It will create Neighbourhood Learning Corners, in 7 communities in the North West and West Regions targeting 260 children. Teachers will be specially trained to meet the needs of their pupils in a safe and supportive environment. Psycho-social counselling will be available to all of the pupils and sport will play a large part in rebuilding self-confidence and social cohesion.  The aim is to provide remedial education for a period of 3 months and enable these children to confidently return to school.  School fees and learning materials, uniforms etc will also be provided by the project.

If you would like to support this project, please send donations through the Donate button on our website.  All donations go directly to our projects: no deductions are made at all.


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